Install WordPress On A Usb Drive

How To Install WordPress On A USB Drive With XAMPP?

There is an interesting thing coming to you. People are really curious about the WordPress platform and today, I am going to provide you the guide to install WordPress on a USB drive using XAMPP.

Do you know that you can install Xampp on a USB drive? Well, the whole process would be concluded with the XAMPP and WordPress installation.

You can install WordPress on XAMPP server when you install it on your computer. But here, I am talking about using the USB drive.

A Step By Step Guide To Install WordPress.

Before you jump to anything else. Let me tell you that there are a few steps which should be followed.

Step 1:- Install XAMPP by downloading the portable version. Just visit the official website and click on the “More Downloads” link.

Many other versions of the XAMPP will appear to you. From which, you have to choose the portable version.

Download the XAMPP setup to your computer.

Step 2:- Now you have to install it to your USB drive.

Just plug it in and start the XAMPP setup. Allow it to use the features. Windows firewall may restrict it. So whether you see the notification, allow it.

Step 3:- While installing it, you have to choose to the location of the XAMPP. Select USB drive as the location.

It would be great if you create a new folder and install XAMPP in that folder.

Step 4:- After installation, you should check if it’s working or not. Just go to the folder where you have installed it and click on a file “xampp-control“.

Now go to any browser and open “localhost“. If the XAMPP home page opens, it means the installation is working.

Step 5:- Go to the “htdocs” folder of the XAMPP and create a new folder for your website. I am using “mysite“.

Step 6:- Now, you have to create the new database using “phpMyAdmin“. Whether you select it from the page you opened to test the XAMMP or you can directly open “localhost/phpmyadmin” in any browser.

Choose an option to create a new database from the left-hand side menu and enter the name of the database as same as the name of the folder you have created in the “htdocs“.

Step 7:- Now download the latest version of WordPress to your computer. It would be in the .ZIP format.

There would be a folder named “wordpress”. Open that folder and extract all the files and folders in the new folder “mysite“.

Step 8:- Open localhost/mysite in the browser and you will see the WordPress installation. Change the URL according to the name of your folder.

Step 9:- You would see many options like database, user, database table. Just fill the database name and the password. Rest keep it as it is.

Step 10:- If the database connection is good then you will see the options to go further, just keep going and the final step would be to fill the username, password, your email etc.

Fill all the details and install WordPress on a USB drive.

There would be a checkbox whether you want to allow the search engine to index your offline website or not. Check it because you don’t need to index your testing website.

The process will start and within a few minutes, you will have a perfect offline site in your USB flash drive.

NOTE :- If you type the wrong database name then the process will stop. Make sure that you use the same database name as you have created before.

Can You Now Install WordPress On A USB Drive?

Is there anything which seems complicated to you? There are two main steps. The first one if to install XAMPP and the other one is to install WordPress.

Just follow the guide and you will have your testing website on your USB flash drive.

After going through this tutorial, what do you think? Is it hard to install WordPress on a USB drive using XAMPP?

If you have any doubt, feel free to clear it.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    Great guide and you explained every step clearly. Using WordPress offline is a good way to implement new changes on a test website and then move to the live site.

    Thanks for the article.

    1. Hey Shafi,

      WordPress is a CMS which gives you freedom to use it anywhere you want. An offline installation can help you in many ways.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy your stay.


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